[meta content='0;url=http://www.musememuse.com http-equiv='refresh'/> Muse.Me.Muse: First Event of Many!


First Event of Many!

Last night Moschino, Vogue, and the Whitney Contemporaries presented Moschino's 2010 Spring exclusive preview featuring a window installation and artwork by artist Ryan Humphrey. The artwork and collection were a perfect collaboration; the artwork entitled "Darkness at Sunrise" was the perfect back drop for the dark color scheme of the collection. In the photos you can see how well Humphrey's artwork accented the clothes, the artwork more grungier than the clothes, but still a great compliment.

I was super excited to attend the event, hopefully the first of many! No one really looked at the clothes. Had me wondering what was the point of the preview, but hey it was great for networking. Champagne and sparkling water (VOSS my fav.), along with mini hors d'oevres I no longer remember the names of, and macaroons. First time I ever ate a macaroon and definitely the last! The Moschino store is super cute, I <3 the couches made out of hearts, and then the silver hearts on the floor. I need to make a visit when there aren't so many people.

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