[meta content='0;url=http://www.musememuse.com http-equiv='refresh'/> Muse.Me.Muse: Rihanna Exposed


Rihanna Exposed

Everyone must watch the full 20/20 interview of Rihanna speaking about that unforgettable night when she was beaten.  I thought this was the most important part of the whole interview, go Robin, for knowing what needs to be done, rather than doing what you feel.  The video is truly genuine, you can tell she still has love for Chris Brown.  The interview made me realize what a terrible position they both are in; to be in love but unable to show and express it.  I'm not diggin' RiRi's hair in this, no doubt this girl has style, but im not feeling the interview look.  Did you catch the rings though. K@raz! Love Them!

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