[meta content='0;url=http://www.musememuse.com http-equiv='refresh'/> Muse.Me.Muse: Sound is Fashion


Sound is Fashion

The latest accessory....headphones! Once upon a time headphones were just used to listen to music, but those days are pretty much over. Yeah of course it will never lose it's sole purpose, but it seems as though more and more people are making them apart of their wardrobe. Here are some celebrities that have been spotted sporting these new fashion statements. (Nicole from Pussy Cat Dolls, John Mayer, Anne Hathaway, Snoop Dogg)

Apparently celebrities aren't satisfied enough with wearing headphones, but a few of them felt the need to create some of their own. Dr. Dre has launched a very successful line of headphones called Beats by Dr. Dre. I personally feel as though those headphones are geared more towards guys, but they are still very eye-catching. For females looking for headphones, Lady Gaga teamed up with Dr. Dre to create her line of headphones called Heartbeats by Lady Gaga. Her headphones are very eye catching and petite, and sure to get stares.

Beats by Dr. Dre

Hearbeats by Lady Gaga

To view more pictures and details of these headphones visit this website: http://beatsbydre.com/

Below is a video of Lady Gaga launching her new headphone line this pass October...enjoy!

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