[meta content='0;url=http://www.musememuse.com http-equiv='refresh'/> Muse.Me.Muse: Chris Brown on Tour...What?


Chris Brown on Tour...What?

Coincidentally, the same day Rihanna released her single "Russian Roulette", Chris Brown announces he will be going on tour. Brown's "Fan Appreciation Tour", will be unlike any of his previous tours, all are at small ,"intimite" venues, which will allow him to truly show his appreciation and thanks to all his fans. Is that so Chris, or are we just scared large arenas won't fill up like before? Anytime I think of Chris Brown, I think of two things, Rihannas crazy mug shot, and this ridiculous wedding where the wedding party walked down the aisle to "Forever". Someone else also made a mock video of the couples divorce. Can't believe people took the time to do this.

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